Position Title: Two Assistant Professor positions in Mathematics
Position Type: Tenured/Tenure-track faculty
Position Location: Concepcion, Bio-Bio, Chile
Subject Area: Mathematics
Application Deadline: March 10, 2025
MathJobs: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/25965
Position Description:
The Department of Mathematics at the University of Concepción invites applications for two full-time academic positions based in Concepción, Chile, available starting July 1, 2025. Candidates must hold a Doctorate in Mathematics, have a record of at least three WOS publications at Q2 level or higher within the past five years (2020-2024), and possess proven experience in university teaching and research, including publications in indexed journals.
Preferred areas of Mathematics include Geometry and Algebra, Logic and Number Theory, and Analysis, aligned with the Department’s ongoing research lines.
The Department of Mathematics offers Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctoral programs in Mathematics and provides the opportunity to work in an engaging and active research environment. The annual salary is approximately USD 32,000 before deductions for taxes, health insurance, and pension contributions.
General Duties.
- Conduct research in Mathematics
- Teach undergraduate courses in Spanish
- Teach postgraduate courses
- Assume academic administrative responsibilities as needed
Application Process. To apply, generate a unique PDF file named «Last Name-Name-Concurso-2025» that includes the following:
- Cover letter
- Research statement
- Curriculum Vitae, see [CV template]
- Copy of the doctoral degree certificate
- Submit the application to concursodmat@udec.cl.
- Additionally, two recommendation letters from referees listed in the candidate’s CV are required. Referees should send these letters directly to concursodmat@udec.cl.
Incomplete applications will not be considered. Preselected candidates may be invited to online interviews.
The University of Concepción is an equal opportunity employer, offering gender equity and compliance with law 21.015 on labor inclusion for people with disabilities.